Ramadan 2025

Feed the fasting this Ramadan

Your support can help the vulnerable and change lives!

The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said:

‘Whoever feeds a person breaking his fast will earn the same reward as him, without anything being lessened from the reward of the fasting person’. 

Children Fighting For A Food Pack

Subhan Allah, this is truly heart-breaking! Our kids back home would wrestle each other for toys, games and iPads! But for millions of children worldwide, they would fight each other just for some food to be able to eat and strike their hunger

We’re in the year 2025 and sadly, the suffering of our brothers and sisters around the world is as apparent as ever. Men and women will work 12 hours a day just to be able to provide a handful of food to their family, women struggle to feed their babies every single day and children starve as they wonder where their next meal will come from. 

Poverty is one of the calamities that Allah S.W.T decreed should happen, either to a person, a society or an entire country. It’s up to me and you to do something about it and help these people for the pleasure of Allah S.W.T!

Provide 3 families with food for the entire Ramadan for only £150

The Best Deed You Can Do ... 

Alhamdulilah, Mercy To Humanity are currently working in regions all over the world such as Jammu and Kashmir, Albania, India, Turkiye, Yemen, Bangladesh and Palestine providing Emergency Aid.

This Ramadan we are fundraising money to distribute food packs to our brothers and sisters in Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Türkiye, Yemen and Albania 

For just £50, you can provide a food pack to feed a family for the whole of Ramadan

For £150, you can provide food packs to feed 3 families for the whole of Ramadan

For £500, you can provide food packs to feed 10 families for the whole of Ramadan

A man asked the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W "Which aspect of Islam is best?" He answered: "Feeding people and greeting those you know and those you do not know." 

Brothers and sisters, please donate now for the sake of Allah S.W.T, feed your brothers and sisters who are in urgent need of food and save their lives today!


May Allah S.W.T reward you!

Ramadan 2025

Feed a family this Ramadan

Ramadan 2025

Feed 3 families this Ramadan

Ramadan 2025

Feed 10 families this Ramadan

This Ramadan, Double Your Rewards by Feeding the Fasting!!